Apple Internet Badges

The creation of the Apple Internet Badges exemplified strategic design that serves both branding and functional purposes. This initiative enabled a seamless user experience, integrating Apple's digital marketplace presence with its broader branding efforts and enhancing the overall user journey from discovery to download.




3 Months


Human Futures Planning




To solidify Apple's identity within the online marketplace and drive user engagement with its suite of digital products, a visually cohesive and recognizable branding element was needed.


We designed the Apple Internet Badges, a series of elegant, consistent badges for web use, indicating content available through Apple's services. These badges served not only as clickable links directing users to purchase or download content like albums, books, and songs but also as a mark of authenticity and quality, proudly stating "Created on a Macintosh."


The badges were widely adopted across various online platforms, becoming a signature visual element that connected users directly to Apple's ecosystem. They improved user navigation and increased conversions for content downloads and purchases while reinforcing Apple's brand presence on the web.


Let’s bring your PRODUCT EXPERIENCE to the next level

Together, let's elevate your brand to new heights by unleashing its full potential and captivating your target audience.


Let’s bring your PRODUCT EXPERIENCE to the next level

Together, let's elevate your brand to new heights by unleashing its full potential and captivating your target audience.


Let’s bring your PRODUCT EXPERIENCE to the next level

Together, let's elevate your brand to new heights by unleashing its full potential and captivating your target audience.


Let’s bring your PRODUCT EXPERIENCE to the next level

Together, let's elevate your brand to new heights by unleashing its full potential and captivating your target audience.